divorce with children
Find the right online divorce provider. A very popular and cost effective online divorce provider is 95dollardivorce.com. For $95 you can have your divorce paperwork professionally prepared delivered to you within 48 business hours. They even provide a FREE legal separation agreement.
Get your paperwork signed and notarized. For some, this step may be easier than it is for others. If both parties agree and are in the same geographical area then this can probably get done on a matter of hours. If one of the parties lives out of state then this process may take a little longer. This is why it is always good to have some sort of dialogue with your spouse. This process is usually only as difficult as you make it.
Take your signed and notarized original divorce with children copies of your divorce forms to your county clerk and file. Filing fees vary from state to state. This is why it is always good to research laws first. This way you can budget accordingly. Filing fees range from $75 - $350. So make sure you do your research.
Go to court. This is actually the easiest step. In most cases you will be in and out of court in 30 minutes. The judge will read over the paperwork sign the papers and you can have them mailed to you by the court within 2 weeks You're done. All without attorney hourly fees which can range from $75 - $400 per hour. No need for a retainer and all for a fraction of the cost an attorney would charge you.